Workshops. Complementary activities
Workshops and complementary activity's dossiers
Each student will develop a workshop as a complementary activity during the stay
These are the work projects that are offered today: Protect species (in this case birds), promote the sustainable use of surrounding ecosystems, perform sustainable environmental management and stop the loss of biodiversity. Learn historical beginnings of photography and use the techniques and equpiments of that time in order to understand and appreciate the foundation of the current photography. The spacial representation of the stars, the solar system and historical tools will be used for geographical orientation. This will make them realize how tiny Planet Earth is in space. Various bookbinding works will be designed and made by combining colored dyes, paper, and the use of imagination in order to develop creativity. There will be an aproach to world of natural cosmetics preparing products used on a daily basis, cleaning and hygiene products, in order to internalize healthy habits. Food will be elaborated from raw material and a variety of recipes to assure they realize how important this is for our health as well as for the enviroment, and to encourage healthy habits. Several works will be produced using wicker as an introduction to handcrafted work. This will be useful for them to value both the work done by hand and the result. Pieces of work wil be made by working clay by hand and using glaze paints in order to appreciate the artistic expression and the importance of manual labor.Environmental education - Current projects
These are the projects that have been carried out in the center previously: Decorative looms will be made using wool, in order to learn an artisan technique and learn to value both the work done by hand and the result. Learn the exercises and create the necessary elements to juggle, developing and practicing the necessary skills through creativity and artistic work.Environmental education - Previous workshops