Departament of Education

Environmental Education project dossiers


Environmental Education project dossiers


Environmental education - Current projects


These are the work projects that are offered today:

The planet is composed of different living beings and inert. Natural relations between them make it possible the balanced functioning of nature.

Throughout history the human being has distanced from nature, despite being part of it, due to his anthropocentric approach. In recent decades, as a result of human activity, mostly in the enriched villages, the Earth has suffered strong impacts affecting its sustainability.

The economic system in these countries, based on consumption, brings with it the exploitation and exhaustion of natural resources across the whole planet. This situation is creating serious problems: exhaustion of resources, climate change, desertification, loss of land to cultivate, destruction of forests, loss of biodiversity, pollution of the oceans, accumulation of waste... Social problems have also worsened increasing the imbalance between peoples: cheap labour, exploitation of children.

In this project we will investigate the different problems we have created on the planet as a result of the current capitalist system (depletion of resources, consumerism, waste …) comparing the closed cycles that ensure the correct functioning of nature with our linear processes. Being aware of the situation, we will analyse our lifestyle by proposing solutions towards sustainability.

  • Dossier (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) (spanish version) (publication date: July 5, 2023)

Biodiversity is the variety of species that live in a given space, that is, in an ecosystem, and is also a guarantor of wellbeing and equilibrium. Biodiversity measures the stability of the ecosystem: the greater the biological diversity, the greater the qualities to confront the changes in the environment.

Ecosystems are systems formed by the organisms of a natural community (including the human being), their environment and the relationships they establish between them. However, human beings have brought to the limit our relationship with ecosystems and many of the causes that endanger ecosystems are the consequence of human activity: land movements, importation of exotic species, Constructions, construction of reservoirs... These alterations of the ecosystems bring with it multiple damage, often irreparable: pests, deforestation, pollution, loss of the biodiversity, extinction of species...

The objective of this project is that the students appreciate the importance and richness of the biodiversity to promote that the activities that they develop in the future are in favor of the environment. In order to propose solutions to sustainability in the face of problems, it is essential to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity, to sensitize about the need for equilibrium in ecosystems and the damage that the loss of said balance provokes.

  • Dossier (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) (spanish version) (publication date: July 5, 2023)

Nowadays, at local standards, as well as at world standards, the use we make of the soil ( for infrastructures or building purposes...) has a direct effect on the loss of rich soil which is necessary for the growth of harvests.

All throughout the XX th Century, farm workers set off for the crazy race of productivity, making use of pesticides, fertilizers and fuel. These intensive production systems have contributed for our better lifestyle, nevertheless, there is another side of the coin: deteriorated soils, polluted waters, biodiversity loss, unhealthy harmful wastes in the food .....

In Project task Earth different types of agricultural exploitation will be analyzed, as well as their environmental consequences, health and development of villages, in order to foment responsible consuming habits to reach a sustainable environment and an ecological agriculture.

  • Dossier (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) (spanish version) (publication date: July 5, 2023)

Water is the base of life and it is essential for all species preservation.

Water is not equally distributed in the world and only 0.6% of the water in the planet is fresh water and liquid, being this the kind of water that has been historically used to cover up most our needs. Water pollution and the difficulties to ensure its supply, due to excessive consumption and misuse, are becoming serious problems for society and are a source of conflicts amongst inhabitants as well as environmental problems, not bearing in mind future repercussions.

The aim of this project is to appreciate the importance of water for life, keeping in mind that it is a limited resource, evaluate the distributional and consumption differences, in order to suggests solutions and commit to agreements for the reasonable use of water, as individuals and as a group. All this will lead us to a sustainable and supportive development amongst all the villages in the planet.

 Dossier (spanish version)

Environmental education - Previous projects


These are the projects that have been carried out in the center previously:

Forests are essential ecosystems for our life and deforestation is one of the biggest environmental problems nowadays.

Historically, we have used them for different aims but it is especially during the last decades that deforestation has vastly increased due to our consuming society and globalization. Once these forest have been commercially exploited, thousands of years are necessary for their restoration and many of them will never be restored.

The aim of this project is making students aware of the near future need of a good connection between human beings and forests, making them aware of the serious problems that the extinction of the forests may lead to, as well as making them understand the role we play in their extinction , so that we encourage them towards a respectful attitude.

 Dossier (spanish version)

Estuaries are places of great interest. There, there are marshlands, sandy areas ,and flat tides which form the habitat of a variety of fauna and flora species.

These natural ecosystems, refuge of biodiversity, have also been inhabited by the human race since ancient times, causing transformations and alterations on the natural environment that leaded to unrepairable damage in some of the cases, due to activities such as fishing, hunting, farmlands, lumbering....

The aim of the project work Firth is to find out about the ecosystems in the firths, evaluating their singularity, wealth and biodiversity, in order to raise awareness about the need of their preservation as well as the effects and risks that arise from human activity, proposing alternative routes, committing to agreements and developing behavior to take part in individual and group activities which make a sustainable development possible.

 Dossier (spanish version)