Departament of Education


Certificate (leiho berri batean irekitzen da)

  • In the 2023-2024 academic year we have received the highest number of enrollment requests. We have received over 6.000 requests and unfortunately we can only accommodate 2.200 students in our school. The collection of this data has made us very happy, since we are receiving more and more requests and positive evaluations. It is clear that environmental education is a great need that exists in today's society and that many schools are asking us for help to address it. Therefore, we want to thank you for the trust placed in us.
  • The 2019 Confint (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) will be held in Madariaga Tower in Busturia on 15th of May. The students and the teachers of Environmental Education Center of Sukarrieta-Pedernales will be attending this meeting in order to work for a more sustainable future
  • It is ready the on-line “Alfabetatze Ekologikoa I” course imparted by the Sukarrieta Group and Ingurugela
  • The 2018 Confint will be held in Madariaga Tower in Busturia on 9th of May. The students and the teachers of Environmental Education Center of Sukarrieta-Pedernales will be attending this meeting in order to work for a more sustainable future
  • It is ready  the on-line “Alfabetatze Ekologikoa II” course imparted by the Sukarrieta Group and Ingurugela
  • The second convocation of "Prest-gara" is ready. From the Sukarrieta Environmental Education Centre and "Ingurugela" we offer you the Ecological Literacy Course II. Registration deadline until September 29th
  • On January 11, 2017 the Alfabetatze Ekologikoa course will begin with Prest_Gara, given by the Pedernales School Experimentation Center (CEEP) in collaboration with Ingurugela
  • The III. Estate Confint will be held in Logroño from November 16th to 19th. The members of Environmental Education Center of Sukarrieta-Pedernales will be attending this meeting in order to work for a more sustainable future