Departament of Education

Theoretical basis

The theoretical bases are the CAPV curriculum, the competences and the environmental education. In turn, the constructivist vision, the methodology of work projects and evaluation (as regulator of the teaching-learning process) are the means adopted to develop the work.

  • The current curriculum, in its section Objectives of Basic Education, establishes in its article 7:

"Basic Education must help students develop their ability to:" N) Become aware of the main problems that humanity presents and that are reflected in the sustainable development objectives.

Currículo de Educación Básica (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) (BOPV, 09-06-2023)

  • Environmental education works in favor of sustainability within an unsustainable context. Small realities are achieved with a future vision. Working with the intention to grow and get involved with your environment. In this way, developing skills and competences, at an individual and collective level, which allow us to be aware and face the particularities present in the environmental crisis. Offering and starting short and long term alternatives. Starting from a dialogue between different fields of knowledge new knowledge arise based on sustainability's pillars. Finally, designing a sustainable future based on an inter and intragenerational ethic of solidarity.
  • Contructivist vision: When it comes to undertaking work, the fundamental principles of the constructivist vision prevail:
    • To implement a learning process in interaction and connection with the environment, as a result of a strong mental activity.
    • To start from students' previous knowledge and understanding, in order to build new knowledge and develop new skills; always inside their comfortable self-development zone.
    • To commit with the quality of the teaching content, its meaningfulness and applicability in order fields.
  • Working and project methodologyIn Annex II of Decree 77/2023 of may 30 (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) which is in force in the areas of primary education, in the area of knowledge of the natural, social and cultural environment, it is mentioned in the specific competences the next:
    • 2. Ask and answer simple scientific questions, using different techniques and instruments typical of scientific thinking, interconnecting different knowledge to interpret and explain facts and phenomena that occur in the natural, social and cultural environment.
    • 3. Solve problems through interdisciplinary projects, using design thinking and computational thinking, to cooperatively generate a creative and innovative product that responds to specific needs.
    • 5. Identify and analyze the characteristics of the different elements or systems of the natural, social and cultural environment, analyzing, describing their organization and properties, and establishing relationships between them, to recognize the value of cultural and natural heritage and undertake actions for its conservation and improvement through responsible and sustainable use.
    • 6. Critically analyze the causes and consequences of human intervention in the environment, integrating the social, economic, cultural, technological and ecological levels to develop the ability to face problems, seek solutions and act individually and collaboratively in their resolution, putting into practice sustainable habits consistent with respect, care and protection of people and the planet.
    • 7. Observe, understand and interpret continuities and changes in the natural, social and cultural environment, analyzing relationships of causality, simultaneity and succession to explain and value the relationships between different elements and events and act with sustainability criteria.

Currículo de Educación Básica (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) (BOPV, 09-06-2023)

  • Evaluation is the axis of work. It is the one that regulates the teaching-learning process. Its function is to analyze the information provided by the process itself, becoming its guide and generating or catalyzing new processes. The evaluation allows the students to control and regulate their own constructive process, that is, the evaluation becomes for the students in a self-regulating element, which allows them to learn to learn. The work consists in imbuing the teaching-learning process with mechanisms of regulation and self-regulation