4th Inclusion Symposium


Joseba Zalakain

Joseba Zalakain

A graduate in Information Science from the University of the Basque Country (1991), he holds a Diploma of Advanced studies (DEA) in Social Work from the Public University of Navarre (2004). He has worked at SIIS in the Egu铆a Careaga foundation since 1996, and has been director of the centre since 2007. He has played a part in a range of research into social services, poverty, social exclusion, dependence, ageing, disability and drug dependence, and in setting up several observatories of social services. In the planning sphere, he helped to devise Basque government strategies for social services, family and attention to homeless people, as well as sitting on the technical commission for the reform of the RGI and drawing up and assessing various social inclusion plans in the Basque Country. He has also worked with different authorities, in setting up systems for assessing the quality of attention in social services.