4th Inclusion Symposium


Antonio Igea

Antonio Igea

Economist. Graduate in Economics and Business Studies. Qualified as an expert in public innovation, with a master's degree in public policy assessment. Experience in the public and private sectors in applied research in economics, employment and professional qualifications, in the management, supervision and assessment of public policy and systems, and in advanced management and innovation systems. Since 1998 he has worked for the autonomous Basque authorities (Egailan and Lanbide). Member of SEE, the Spanish society for public policy assessment. Assistant head of the body assessing employment and inclusion policy at the department of work and employment of the Basque government. Senior adviser at Euskalit. Member of the coordinating team of the postgraduate course in assessment of public employment policy at the University of Barcelona. Lecturer at UNED (the Spanish open university) and the universities of Barcelona and Seville.