4th Inclusion Symposium


Alaitz Artabe Echevarria

Alaitz Artabe Echevarria

Holder of a bachelor's degree in Economics, a master's degree in Economics and Empirical Applications and a doctorate in Economics from the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). She is currently an associate lecturer in the Department of Public Policy and Economic History at the UPV/EHU and an associate researcher at the ISEAK Foundation. Her research focuses primarily on the analysis and use of discrete choice models in the fields of education, health, the environment and politics, as well as the use of methods for assessing public policy. She has lectured on the bachelor's degrees in Economics, Business Management and Administration, Tax and Public Administration and Marketing, as well as on the master's degree in Empirical Applications and Policies at the faculty of Economics and Business. She has taught subject courses ranging from Statistics and Econometrics to Public Policy and Decentralisation and the Public Sector.