VII Employment Congress
Carmen Marcuello
Since 2003 she has led the GESES research group at the University of Zaragoza. Since 2016 she has headed the chair in Social Economy and Cooperatives at the University of Zaragoza and OIBESCOOP, the Iberoamerican employment and social economy observatory. Member of CIRIEC Spain, the academic committee for the social economy, and of the International Scientific Commission on the Social & Cooperative Economy at CIRIEC International. Joint founder of the Musethica association in 2012 and social director of this. As a member of the board of patrons of the Fundaci贸n Integraci贸n y Empleo, she sits on the boards of the Arapack special employment centre and the Mapiser integration company. Her research has concentrated on the study of organisations in the social economy, social enterprise and social impact.