OSTEBA, Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment
The objective of the Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment, Osteba, is to support decision making processes by facilitating information that promotes the appropriate use of Health Technologies in terms of safety, effectiveness, accessibility and equity.
This multidisciplinary approach examines the effects that any existing or new health technology can have on health and health systems.
We work in the following areas
The life cycle of health technologies
Anticipating and informing the value of new technologies, analyzing the variability in practice and its reasons and eliminating low-value health technologies are crucial for the sustainability of the system.
Methods and training
Osteba offers methodological manuals and teaches seminars and specific courses in response to formal requests from the Basque Health System.
Documents and Publications
All the publications made by Osteba and reference documents for Osteba in the area of Health Technology Assessment.
Identification of topics
Identify and prioritize the topics to be evaluated in the near future from the professionals of the different levels of health care and management, according to our work plan.
Projects under development
It offers information on the current areas and topics of work of the Health Technology Assessment Service.
Scientific activity
In collaboration with other organizations and associations, Osteba participates in research projects, at the state, european and international level.