Departament of Education

"How do we weather the storm"? University youth in the face of energy-climate, technological-digital and social and health transitions

As a society we face, among others, three major transitions: the energy-climate transition, the technological-digital transition, and the social and health transition. We all play a fundamental role in this change. Also, of course, the students themselves, who want to be the protagonist of their future. With the aim of disseminating the Euskadi 2030 Science, Technology, and Innovation Plan and involving our students in this collective work, we organized this meeting held on October 19 at the Carlos Santamaria center in Donostia.

With the participation of:

-Maria José Sanz, scientific director of the research center of excellence (BERC) Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) and Distinction of Scientific Merit from the Generalitat Valenciana in 2019,

-Javier Aizpurua, member of the Center for Materials Physics (CFM) and Euskadi Research Prize 2022

Nekane Balluerka, Euskadi Research Prize 2021 and former rector of the UPV/EHU, who acted as facilitator.

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